Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Guilted into cleaning....

I have decided I need a cleaner. Why would anyone want to clean when you can sew? Beyond me ~ but the dust and dirt hit me between the eyes this morning at 8.15 am and I decided I HAD to clean. Only trouble was, I still had to get one child off to school which meant, pack a lunch box, do her hair (for school photo), make sure she remembered to pack her swimming, get myself and 4 year old son also ready for playgroup, while in the middle of "having" to clean, so if you can imagine it, there were all sorts of things going on, including emptying the dishwasher, so I could fill it with all my china (breaking ALL the rules), and wiping hutches and deciding on what would go where and what I could be ruthless with and get rid of......Oh boy. You certainly didn't want to see the mess I made. I'm almost able to see some results, but this is going to take more than one messed up day to fullfil my vision. I might even have to drop into Coles after dropping my eldest at soccer and buy a new mop. The tiles will probably craze like one of my china plates did after being subjected to the dishwasher ! Oops!

I have lots I have decided I want to blog about. I was going to be a quilt blogger, but now I have been blogging around and found more to blog about. I want to know what to do with all the things I want to have, and have, but have no where to put. I will take photos later, and hope that someone might look at my blob (intentional typo) and tell me what to do with them.

Oh and my sad cry for the moment, in amongst all this cleaning frenzy was discovering that even though my dining area gets NO direct sun, the Queensland ~ Beautiful One Day, Perfect the Next Sun/Light....whatever it is has faded my Charlie Brown Pimlico Princess Doona cover, that was folded on top of two of my very favourite chenille bedspreads.......It is faded soooooo badly that it has even faded the back of the quilt cover!! I will take and load photos later. Right now I have to get 3 kids in the car and head for soccer and the supermarket. Yes, 6.30pm I must be insane.


  1. I feel sad for you about your gorgeous quilt cover. It really is lovely. Would it break your heart very much to recyle the unfaded parts into a quilt for yourself?

    Am looking forward to what your blog brings! Loving your thoughts and pictures thus far!

  2. Thanks Holly !! Its hard to know where to start when you read such amazing blogs in blogland, and then you have to DO IT !!! I will cut the cover up, as theres nothing else I can do with it now.

    It will probably be even nicer ;)
