Monday, April 13, 2009

Sunday Stash on Monday ~ #1

I have just joined Sunday Stash. I love fabric, I always have. I am fast turning into a quilter with a problem. I'm addicted but its ok, coz I admit it. I have also found out theres a name for me ~ I'm a fussy cutter. Well most of the time. I have surprised myself too with stepping way outside my usual comfort zone of shabby pink roses and venturing into other colours and combinations. I hope that one day my quilting will look like a quilt is meant to, with matching corners and I will learn how to stipple quilt ~ I just LOVE it....This is my first stash photo, its going to take me a month of Sundays (or is that really a year) to get thru my stash.


I'm loving the chocolate brown and the greens/blues in the paisley. I need to add to this before I can start cutting it up.

I think thats it for my first post. Suggestions, ideas and comments very welcome !


  1. You know there are places you can go with people who can help for a problem like that - Spotlight!

  2. oh Gill stop it LOL !! I spend WAY too much there already. I hate that they have monopolised the market. At least they are stocking reasonable fabric now........I really need to be in the States where I can shop until I drop !!

  3. I just found you from the sunday stash group on flickr. Can you tell me what stipple quilting is? Sounds interesting. Id love to be a fussy cutter but havent gone there yet. You may like to see the couple of quilts ive done but they are not 'the one' yet so im still trying!
    Im at thetexturedleaf.blogspot
