Saturday, February 21, 2009

Heres my first ever attempt at a star (or a "pieced" piece of please be nice). I bought myself a 1/4 inch seam foot and a darning foot today. I'm excited about learning to quilt (properly).


Practise might apologies to the Bushfire Project ladies for practising on them !


  1. Oh Lynette, nice work! It's looking just great. Did I tell you I began a begginers patchwork course 2 weeks ago? I am currently hand sewing a monkey wrench block but this tuesday we begin on ohio star. You are an inspiration dear friend!
    x H

  2. I meant to ask too what is the name of the fabric that has a grey background and pink roses on it. Think I need to make a quilt with some in it :-)

  3. Hey Holly, isn't that range just gorgeous !! I love the grey too....just toooooooooo beautiful. Its called Ava Rose by Tanya Whelan. There are 29 fabrics in the range, and I sadly only could only afford 7 !!! It was hard choosing which ones to get, as they are all so gorgeous. I will have to get some more now because its my very favourite !

    Great to hear you are having lessons ! Can't wait to see what you make !
